Maybe the most beautiful state of Australia according to us, it perfectly show the post card of Australia: Wild, dry with wonderful beaches and a crystal clear water. Desert is right next to the ocean, very impressive.To see that, we went up from Perth, “the most isolated metropolis in the world” to Exmouth, at north. Distances are very important, roads are narrow and you always have to check your tank and petrol while driving! We also loved Rottnest island, right in front of Perth and Coral Bay, with turquoise water, not far from Exmouth. Come and explore WA with us!
Perth, isolated metropolis
At Perth, nature is very near by. Under an extremely hot sun, after a short night in a very bad backpacker, we go around, discovering the city. The CBD is normal, without relevant points of interest bu the view from Kings Park, overlooking the city and the bay is amazing. Perth is the exact Australian way of life! With 300 hundreds of sunny days per year, Perth is a very nice city to live in and the beaches, such as Cottesloe, are very famous. However, the end of the mining boom is now threatening the economy of the region, not diversified enough and too much reliant on coal extraction.

Rottnest island and the quokkas!
First day out of Perth, 1-hour boat from Pert, Rottnest island (named like that as quokkas live there, small marsupials looking like rats, making the first Dutch sailors visiting it call it “the island of rats”!) It is to be underlined that cars are banned from the island. Here everyone is riding a bike! A good way to protect the exceptional environment. Thus, a very beautiful island that has to be visited absolutely. One day from Perth seems to be enough though. One of our best memory in Australia.
From Pinnacles to Kalbarri
After Perth and its surroundings (like the cute harbour of Fremantle), we are heading towards the north of the West coast, until Exmouth! We will be shocked by the amazing landscape of these dry and wild regions.
Again, the feeling to be alone is very strong, in the middle of nowhere and the memories of sleeping under the stars in the desert or in old-style motels in almost ghost towns (such as Exmouth) will be accompanying us forever. Distances are huge and you always have to check you have enough petrol until the next station.
Typical adventure in “Remote Australia”

Desert meets the ocean
Many things to see! Around Shark Bay, these stones (stromatolites) are actually home to million of years-old form of lives, almost fossilized bacteria. Incredible. Next to it, Monkey Mia has been chosen by several wild dolphins to come and be fed every morning by the locals, They are now almost domesticated, But we don’t what think about these dolphins who don’t know how to feed themselves anymore and we didn’t like this circus organised for tourists. Ningaloo Reef, the coral reef of the west coast home to gigantic manta rays, turtles and whales. Coral beach with beautiful sandy beach. And in Exmouth, emus are walking around the houses quietly!
At Ningaloo Reef, the other barrier reef, you can go diving or snorkeling and look for the famous shark-whale!

Outback WA
Leaving the coast and entering the remote outback of Western Autralia, it is a strange feeling to be alone, and we enter from time to time in huge cattle stations without even noticing it. Indeed, these ones are huge, sometime the size of a small country! Owners need helicopters to check their animals! A trip like that has to be very well organized or you can also choose a tour if you don’t drive your own campervan, but be sure you like your colleague as you will be always with them 🙂
Then, to conclude, we absolutely loved Western Australia, and its different aspects, from the metropolis Perth to very charming suburbs like Fremantle, from the well-preserved island of Rottnest island to the typical atmosphere of Outback. But you have to be cautious driving the long distances on straight roads where you don’t see much other cars. It is a key destination if you go to WA, and if you have time, you may also go to south of Perth, near Margaret River, also beautiful even if the scenery is completely different…
Bonus, Western Australia in video!