In average a world trip which will last between 8 and 14 months is decided one year in advance in order to think about everything and get everything ready for the D-day! However, with the globalization progressing in every part of the world and the development of mass tourism, you can find most of the things you need in almost every big city. But having more time is always much better (firstly to start saving!) and validate every step! Preparing this long trip is very exciting and also part of it, so please find below some advice which may help you in your preparation.
6/7 months before leaving
Now you have saved enough money (a world trip cost usually around €15,000 by person but depending your comfort needed, the countries you visit, the activities you do…your budget can be less or more), time now to give more details for this budget. Follow this link!
4/5 months before leaving
Many things to prepare, almost there!
- Begin to implement your leave, quit your job
. You can choose a sabbatical from your employer (different legislation according to countries, in France it is 3 years of experience in the same company), or simply resign. However always good to leave on good terms, and give sometime to your employer to replace you and prepare the handover.
- Buy your world trip tickets if needed (if you don’t buy all of them now, at least book the first one)
- Do the usual health check-up (ophtalmology, dentist, GP, gynaecology…) and vaccines of course.
- Sell or rent your accommodation if you are owner and you want to do so, your car and other things (furniture…) if you want more cash!
- Check the expiry date of your passport and get it replaced if it is soon. Many countries want at least 6 months of expiry before you come in.
- Ask for your visas for countries requiring so, precising the date of arrival and leaving of the country, as it takes some time with the local administration (Russia, India, China…)
2/3 months before leaving
- Give the usual notice period before leaving the apartment you rent or find someone who will rent it for you.
- Buy the electronic equipment (camera, laptop, gopro, ipad, e-book…), backpacks and other equipments.
- Ask for your international driving license.
- If you don’t sell your furniture, find a place to stock them (to family/friends, or specific places you will rent or share with others…)
- Open an account with a new bank if needed (for example an online bank) and check the expiry of your credit cards. Tell your bank you are going away so they can increase the weekly withdraw if needed of that they are not surprised if any withdrawal in any “exotic” country (they can block your card if they suspect a fraud…)
- Check the conditions of card payments. Indeed, for some purchases, banks can require a sms validation. If you don’t have a mobile or a chip (from your home country or from the local country), you are stuck and it can become really annoying! Be careful to take enough credit card in case of any urgency as well!
- Plan the payment of taxes while you won’t be here anymore.
- Contact and ask your family/friends if they know someone in the countries you are going to travel to (always better to know locals) and give a rough idea of the itinerary to your family in case of any problems during your trip.
- Unsubscribe or suspend any regular payments while you won’t be here (gas, electricity, internet, phone, insurance for car or home, transport card….)
- Begin to prepare/write your travel blog which will allow you to share your experience and your pictures!
Last month, last weeks!
Here you are, last minute checks! 
- Subscribe to a good travel insurance and finish to prepare and get your medicines, and last vaccines to do.
- Update your update for your post mail (to your family for example) and give a power of attorney to someone in any case.
- Buy books (online for your e-book) or the touristic book of only the first country you will travel in for a weight purpose
- Write all the phone numbers for urgency: The family/close friends ones (those stayed at home or the ones you will meet during your trip), but also the numbers of consulates and embassy, insurance and banks if your card get lost or stolen…you can write in a carnet or email to yourself.
- Scan all important documents (passports, visas…) and send them to you by email.
- Print insurance certificates and do a lot of identity pictures as they are usually required to deliver the visas in the countries.
- Celebrate your departure, party hard for this unforgettable moment. Leaving for a world trip!